Difference between IT and ICT

Spesso la sigla ICT viene usata come sinonimo di IT ad indicare il "settore delle tecnologie digitali" nel suo complesso. Anche se thinner and thinner, la differenza principale tra ICT e IT, è che l'ICT fa riferimento specifico allo sviluppo delle tecnologie di comunicazione digitale (ad es. Internet, Reti Wifi, telefoni cellulari e altri sistemi di comunicazione), mentre l’IT indica soprattutto lo sviluppo dei sistemi hardware e software.

Luca Nappini

Often, the terms IT and ICT are used as synonyms to indicate the world of digital technologies (also called settore IT/ICT), but the two terms actually indicate different, though closely related, areas of the digital technologies sector.

IT sta per "Information Technology" mentre ICT è l’acronimo di "Information & Communication Technology". Da notare che i due acronimi si differenziano solo per la "C" che rappresenta la “comunicazione” ed è proprio la communication component all the difference between IT and ICT.

In general, IT refers to local technologies, such as the world of private corporate servers and the IT infrastructures that keep companies up and running from a technological point of view. On the contrary, ICT technologies are more expansive, with a greater focus on disseminating data and information, community building and a desire to explore ways in which telecommunications can enrich society.

A livello macroscopico, immagina che l'IT sia la tua casa, mentre l’ICT è l’insieme delle infrastrutture di "comunicazione" (strade, ponti, tubi, fili, centrali ecc.) che consentono di portare energia, acqua, persone ed oggetti a casa tua.

What is IT

IT takes care of hardware / software tools and the methods used in the collection, processing and storage of data. These methods and tools include coding, programming, storage and retrieval media, systems analysis and design, data security and conversion, robotics and artificial intelligence. Simplifying, we can say that all those activities that deal withinfrastruttura hardware a software. In its modern usage, IT refers to the technology that keeps businesses running and connected such as servers and internal networks, business software, PCs, and in general the various systems that IT experts work on to develop and maintain them.

When someone claims to work in the IT industry, is referring to a broad field that can include a wide range of professions, including network administration, computer science, systems analysis, programming, PC support, data security, and more. IT professionals are responsible for a variety of tasks including simple tasks such as installing software, or more complex tasks such as designing and creating networks or managing systems and databases.

In particular, theIT Manager di un'azienda (chamato nelle grandi aziende anche CIO The CTO) è il responsabile di:

  • enterprise hardware
  • business software
  • corporate networks/networks
  • security of business systems
Difference between IT and ICT

What is ICT

ICT deals with the tools and methods of digital communication o di condivisione dei dati ed entra in gioco quando parliamo di internet, web, App, mobile, telecomunicazioni, cloud computing, GIS, digital marketing, Big data, Social media, commercio elettronico ecc. Semplificando possiamo dire che rientrano nell'ICT tutte quelle attività che riguardano lo development of digital communication and online activities.

When someone claims to work in the ICT sector, is referring to a broad field that can include a wide range of professions involving Web Design, SEO, Digital Marketing, eCommerce, Data analysis, Social media management, Website and app development, Cloud services etc.

In particular, the ICT Manager di un'azienda (chamato nelle grandi aziende anche CDO The CTIO) è il responsabile di:

  • business site/app
  • online system security
  • big data
  • servizi cloud (mail, storage, team work ecc.)
  • digital management (SEO, Social, Marketing)

The term ICT first appeared in 1997 in a report prepared by Dennis Stevenson for the UK government. In terms of usage, ICT is essentially a European term that has spread to some extent in North America and Asia: today it tends to be used by insiders, especially industries and professions related to digital infrastructure.

Comparison between IT and ICT

The difference between IT and ICT is not so clear-cut because often the two areas go hand in hand, hanno parti in comune (database, Cloud, sicurezza delle reti, sviluppo di app mobile ecc.) e spesso hanno uno sviluppo simultaneo: un’azienda attenta all’innovazione digitale si evolve in entrambi i settori, da una parte sarà attenta ad avere un “sistema IT” efficiente (PC, router, reti, software e gestionali aziendali ecc.), dall'altra utilizzerà i sui sistemi IT anche in "ambito ICT” ad esempio per gestire e sviluppare siti aziendali, piattaforme web, servizi cloud, comunicazione interna o quella con i clienti, marketing online, consultare i dati analitici o far crescere il proprio business online.

AcronymICT è l'acronimo di Information and Communications Technology.IT stands for Information Technology.
FieldICT is associated with the field of information technologies and digital communication.IT is associated with the field of computer systems (computers, software and networks).
FunctionThe function of ICT is to help individuals and companies to obtain, manage and disseminate data and information with the help of digital technologies.The function of IT is to help achieve an efficient way or method for data management, with the help of hardware/software technologies.
Place of useICT is used in companies of any size and in public companies.IT is mainly used in large companies and institutions.
Sector or scopeICT can be considered an extensional term of IT that identifies the entire digital technologies sector or the part related to the management of digital communication and online activities.IT can be considered the field of digital technologies related to hardware/sftware development and business efficiency for what regurgitation of data management.

ICT come sinonimo di "Tecnologie Digitali"

Just as digital technologies evolve, the terms that identify them often evolve: when it was born in the 1990s, ICT identified the part of the IT sector that concerned network technologies. Today, thanks to the strong development and impact it has in society (sites, e-commerce, online services, cloud, mobile apps, social networks, etc.), ICT is considered the natural evolution of IT: in this sense, many refer to ICT as the digital technology sector as a whole, while by the acronym IT they refer to the part of ICT that concerns the most structural aspects related to hardware and software development. Therefore, ICT can also be seen as an extended acronym for IT, which includes information technology (IT) and the field related to digital communication technologies. Today, the ICT tremine has replaced that of IT also in academic contexts.



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Luca Nappini