Blog: Move online to grow offline!

Chief Digital Officer (CDO): the manager of digital growth

Crescere in ambito digitale significa sviluppare i mezzi tecnologici e culturali per rimanere competitivi nel proprio settore e saper sfruttare al meglio le possibilità offerte dal mondo digitale: il Chief Digital Officer è il professionista IT che guida le aziende nel loro processo di innovazione ed efficientamento digitale, aiutandole a sviluppare le loro competenze digitali […]

Difference between IT and ICT

Often the acronym ICT is used as a synonym for IT to indicate the “settore delle tecnologie digitalinel suo complesso. Anche se sempre più sottile, la differenza principale tra ICT e IT, è che l’ICT fa riferimento specifico allo sviluppo delle tecnologie di comunicazione digitale (ad es. Internet, Reti Wifi, telefoni cellulari e altri sistemi […]

How to estimate the value of a website

Websites are not all the same and do not all have the same online performance: there are sites that are worth little and others that are of great value, so much so that it can often be difficult to understand the real value of a website or how much you have to spend to create a new one . But how can we understand how much it's worth […]

Copyright and copyright rights on the web

In this article, it explains how copyright law protects the content published on the web and the rights or duties to pay attention when you publish something online. Let's begin! Luca Nappini Make or manage a Web site also means having to manage content copyright in it included: The good news is that […]

Create a good product page for eCommerce

The customer is on the product page of your eCommerce, and is at the perfect product that suits your needs. The last step you need to do is to convince the customer to click on the button “Add to Cart”. But how? With a product page 10 and praise! Luca Nappini The product page is often […]

Luca Nappini